Colophon Offers Website Upgrade Plans to Get on Board the Mobility Boat!

Story by: Colophon Editor
September 14, 2013

Don’t miss the global mobility boat! Upgrade your website today!

In 2013, according to the Digital Buzz, 91% of earth’s population owned a cell phone. Of those, 56% owned smartphones, half of which were used as the primary source to accessing the Internet. Those number are a huge increase from 2012 and are only predicted to rise. 

The short of it . . . If your website is not coded for mobile, you are missing the global mobility boat.


Colophon New Media can help! Let us upgrade your website! Included in our upgrade package:

  1. Freshening-up of your current website design
  2. Recoding for mobile use and responsive design (Works well on all devices)
  3. Review of your website’s SEO
  4. Installation of our latest, powerful and easy-to-use Content Management System (CMS)

Don’t miss the boat! Book your global mobility ticket today by contacting us about our website upgrade package. It’s a trip well worth taking!

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