Web Design & Development

Our Office Will be Closed Monday, September 7, 2015 for Labor Day

Learn about the history of Labor Day in the United States of America.

9 years ago

Colophon Announces the Launch of the Website for the Gadsden House of Charleston, SC

This incredible historic home in the heart of downtown Charleston, SC has been completely renovated and is poised to be…

10 years ago

Colophon Launches the Upgraded Website for The Presentation Academy of Annapolis, MD

Colophon orginally developed The Presentation Academy website to showcase Wall Street Journal and New York Times best-selling author Timoty J. Koegel's book…

10 years ago

4th of July Schedule – Office Closed Friday, July 3

In honor of our nation's independence we will be closed on Friday, July 3. Hosting and support services will be running…

10 years ago

Charting your Course on the Web…Colophon Upgrades Leading Charleston, SC Tourism Blog: AhoyCharleston.com!

Colophon recently launched the upgraded design for this exciting and informative Charleston tours blog. Built in a fully resonsive template, the blog…

10 years ago

Light ’em up! Colophon launches the website for architectural lighting company GRIVEN USA.

Designed in Italy - Made in the USA! GRIVEN-USA is one of the World's leading manufacturers of architectural lighting products.…

10 years ago

Colophon Upgrades the Website for Safeside Association

Safeside Association is an association of Air Force Veterans. The Association was organized for the exclusive purpose of carrying out programs…

10 years ago

Colophon Launches New Website for Boston, MA Commercial Real Estate Brokers, The Stubblebine Company

Colophon is proud to announce the the launch of the website for commercial real estate services company The Stubblebine Company…

10 years ago

GUNBOAT: Colophon New Media of Charleston, SC, Designs, Develops ZENYATTA62.COM Website

This is a really cool boat - with the perfect combination of performance and luxury. Gunboats are fast, high-performance catamarans.…

10 years ago

SPOTLIGHT: German Lighting Company Manufactures Product in South Carolina. Colophon Launches Website

Colophon is proud to announce the launch of the website for NORDEON USA. Nordeon, a German-based company was created when…

10 years ago