Case Study for:
Associations / Organizations & Non-Profits Meeting Street Schools

Meeting Street Schools provides access to quality public education, and is providing children with transformational educational opportunities.


 The Company

Meeting Street Schools is a groundbreaking initiative that is dedicated to the creation of a new mandate for education in South Carolina. The organization started with its flagship school in Charleston SC called Meeting Street Academy and has grown to include schools in four other South Carolina locations. There are plans to expand further.

 The Challenge

The incredible people of Meeting Street Schools (MSS) came to Colophon to build a new website for their growing organization that included the ability to add new schools to the program as they were rolled out. The legacy website included good content but needed a new modern design and re-organization of the key calls-to-action. This was in order to inform the public and provide access to one of the main goals of the new website – to attract talented teachers!

 The Process

Working directly with the incredible people of Meeting Street Schools ,Colophon followed a 3 Phase Process that started in PHASE I following a content guide that was provided by MSS to organize the website and create a site map.

A basic wireframe was created of the site structure and then Colophon started to design an attractive new interface. Design drawings were provided to Meeting Street Schools administrators for their approval and after a few rounds of revisions, a winning design was produced.

In phase II of the project, the new design was programmed into a custom WordPress theme and installed on a development server. In the final phase of work, all of the content management tools were installed and content was migrated to the new website. Once content was added, the beta website was shared with a larger group for testing, feedback and revisions.

 The Solution

Meeting Street Schools’ new website provides an attractive, user-centered presentation. It provides a clear presentation of the school with a focus on attracting teachers for an exciting and rewarding career with MSS.

Technologies included in the production and hosting of the website include:

  • Custom WordPress Theme
  • WordPress Content Management System
  • Advanced Form Integration
  • Schools Content Module
  • News & Events Modules
  • Customer Content Controls for Key Areas of Theme
  • WordPress Optimize Hosting and Security Service

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