Case Study for:
Bull Street Mergers

Bull Street Mergers is a business consultancy and broker with a unique approach to building value in companies.


 The Company

Headed by seasoned entrepreneurial business leader Chuck Crumpton, who built and sold two companies, Bull Street Mergers unique power as a business broker is to first build the value of a company in preparation for its sale.

 The Challenge

When Colophon started working as the web designers for Bull Street Mergers, it was a brand new company. Not all service offerings were ready for public consumption and the leadership was still building the team. The website design and framework needed to be flexible to allow for an immediate web presence that would be easily updated and scale as the new company grew.

 The Process

Bull Street Mergers web presence started with a simple landing page that included all core information and an easy way to contact the company. The landing page allowed customers to find Bull Street Mergers and allowed Google to index the website in order for it to gain search traction. With the landing page in place, a full site build was undertaken that included organizing content with a sitemap and a design process to draw the home page and interior templates.

 The Solution

Colophon designed and developed a highly optimized website for Bull Street Mergers to allow for easy updates and future growth. The website continues to go through changes. As of this writing Colophon is installing a “Business Owners Forum” and expanded services. Using an efficient development process and support system, Colophon is able to rapidly deploy new features for the website.


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