Story by: Colophon Editor
November 3, 2016

Web Hosting Services Explained


Dear Colophon Web Hosting Customer,

In recent weeks you may have hear about a large web hosting outage on the East Coast of the United States caused by a malicious DDoS attack. While this event did not affect our servers, it is a reminder of the constant threat from hackers and other bad actors on the Internet.

Security is a primary part of your hosting service, but just one of the many features included in our managed hosting service.

This is a quick note to remind our customers that Colophon is actively managing your hosting service to keep it running smoothly, quickly and securely. This includes:

  1. Ultra-fast, low tenant servers.
  2. Daily Backups
  3. Active management of the platform. Installing software updates to server software, CMS software and plugins.
  4. Security suite including Web Application Firewall (WAF), with malware mitigation: This monitors and thwarts ongoing threats.
  5. Malware remediation service. If a site becomes infected, we clean in and fix it as part of the service.
  6. Uptime monitors. Colophon is alerted to any service disruption. Techs get to work to immediately to resolve problems.
  7. Ongoing Infrastructure Updates. Our upstream partners are continually updating hardware and software to increase speed, and harden the network.
  8. Google Partners
  9. Google Webmaster Tools Management
  10. Google Analytics, Google Sitemaps and Monthly Reporting
  11. Access to our industry-leading support and maintenance for your website.

Website development and web hosting go hand-in-glove. The ability of our support staff to handle problems and provide timely support is enhanced by our control of both the website code and the hosting environment.

Colophon's hosting service is under constant review as we search for newer and better ways to provide fast, secure and affordable web hosting service.

For more information about website hosting please see:​

Thank you for your business. And, please contact me anytime to learn more about your hosting service.


James Eastman, MS
888.222.5705 x 1

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