Story by: Colophon Editor
March 1, 2019

If you have a website or are engaged in online commerce, your number one job is giving your customers the confidence that their sensitive information is private and secure. A key part of providing this security and confidence is by securing your website with an SSL certificate.

Secure Connections

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. An SSL employs a combination of public and private encryption protocols to establish a secure connection between your server and the browser belonging to your website visitors.

When your site is authenticated with an SSL certificate, it says to your visitors and potential customers that your site is safe to browse. Customers can shop, make purchases, and provide sensitive information on your site. They can surf and conduct their transactions with confidence, knowing that their data is secure.

Browser Scrutiny

Perhaps you’ve never had a security problem before? That may be, but recently, websites without authentication are facing extra scrutiny. Web browsers such as Google Chrome are warning consumers that they might not want to visit a site without an SSL Certificate. The visitor will be presented with an alet page in red saying "This website may be unsafe to visit." That’s all it takes to scare off a potential customer.

Instilling Confidence
It’s about confidence – ensuring your customers and the big web browsers that you are taking every precaution to ensure a safe, secure online environment in which to do business.

You NEED an SSL certificate, and Colophon New Media provides SSL as a part of a full security suite in all of our hosting plans. To learn more, contact us today!

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