Case Study for:
Access Healthcare

Founded in 2003, Access Healthcare was South Carolina’s first free-market “Direct Care” practice by Dr. David Albenberg. Over the last 20+ years, Access Healthcare has been a top provider in the Charleston area and beyond, and the team has added three different service types – Primary Care, Urgent Care, and Aesthetics.


 The Company

Access Healthcare is a healthcare provider in the Charleston, SC area with primary care, urgent care, and aesthetics services, operating since 2003.

 The Challenge

Access Healthcare had several brands – “Access Healthcare”, “Let’s Simplify”, “Access Urgent” and “Access Aesthetics”, all with separate domains and subdomains. The Access Healthcare team, led by their marketing lead Thomas Minieri, developed a single-site plan and needed Colophon’s help to design a website with a cohesive brand image, while clearly defining and separating the services for customers to navigate and book appointments with ease.

 The Process

The Colophon team’s first mission was to design a sitemap for Access Healthcare that met their needs – a fresh look, cohesive brand image, and pragmatic & simple for their diverse customer audience to use successfully. The Colophon design team, led by Ramiro Modica, iterated winning designs for the customer into a custom WordPress theme.

After the winning design was approved, the Colophon programming team got to work – bringing the design to life by developing dynamic backend functionality and WordPress modules to create a seamless experience for Access Healthcare’s current and prospective patients.

Once the Betasite was built, the Colophon team installed Access Healthcare’s great photo, video, and copy content, optimizing each for the website’s performance.

To learn more about Colophon’s three phase web development process, find the article here.

 The Solution

To conquer the challenge of multiple brands, the Colophon team designed, a responsive & sleek website designed for the mobile era.

Each of Primary Care, Urgent Care, and Aesthetics had their own separate pages, contact forms, and information within the main site, complete with redirects in place from the previous domains. A consistent site design created a similar look and feel to ensure the Access Healthcare brand image was preserved.

Access Healthcare’s new website positions them to effectively meet the needs of future patients while establishing a strong, professional online presence.


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